ThePrime Pod: There’s no neutral ground on Sustainability

Published: 18. 12. 2024
Actions speak louder than words. Most of the world has declared itself in favor of going carbon neutral, but the Europe Union is where the action is, thanks to a strict series of regulations that punishes laggards. As deadlines loom closer, however, there’s growing awareness of just how hard these rules will hit the real estate sector.
Sure, there’s pressure on developers to design their projects far more cleverly than in the past. But what about the owners of existing buildings? As landlords and asset managers come to grips with this new reality, the enormity of the task is coming into painfully sharp focus. Is it even possible to achieve in the time allowed? Does it make sense to invest now, if the rules continue to change?
These are questions that are being asked with increasing volume across the entire real estate sector.
And they’re questions I brought up with three highly placed experts in a podcast I’m pleased to have partnered on with Savills in Prague. I recommend watching this remarkably frank and constructive discussion with Jan Jurcicek (Savills), Iain Fanthorpe (Bluehouse Capital) and Roland Bebčák (White Star). My thanks to them and to Savills for their help in putting it together.

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