Toyota Tsusho Europe moved into Prologis Park Pilsen II

Published: 13. 08. 2024

Toyota Tsusho Europe SA has moved into a custom-built space at Prologis Park Pilsen II from which it intends to serve Central Europe’s consumer markets. Initially, TTESA will occupy 8,700 sqm of the 15,300 sqm facility but eventually expects to fill the entire space. “This base in Pilsen provides us with the perfect location to serve domestic and international markets,” writes the company. Over 3,000 cubic meters of mineral wool insulation have been installed in the roof, while the façade contains another 1,000 m3. Heat pumps, a LED lighting with daylight monitors and smart metering are all part of the BREEAM certified package Prologis has offered the tenant. Project manager David Jakeš Pilsen’s location puts it in the center of Europe’s automotive industry, making it a perfect location for TTESA’s newest facility.

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