The City of Prague has a real problem with Jindřišska street when it comes to the sell-off of “public” buildings. Last November, the city’s leadership expressed outrage when the Catholic church announced it would be auctioning off the Jindřišska Tower. The church responded that the city could speak with its real estate agent like anyone else. But the latest reports suggest that the city gets its way in such matters and that while there were around 30 interested parties last year, the only serious negotiations currently underway are with the city.
Hlavní město @PrahaEU vede už týdny jednání s Českou poštou o přímém odkoupení její budovy v Jindřišské ulici. Bylo by to ve veřejném zájmu Pražanů, metropole i státu. Informace, že @Ceska_posta_sp ji chce místo toho nabídnout v e-aukci, nás zaskočila. Proto jsem dnes požádal…
— Bohuslav Svoboda, primátor hl. m. Prahy (@Svoboda_Slavek) June 14, 2023
So it will be interesting to watch what happens with the majestic post office on Jindřišska, which is connected with the headquarters of Česká pošta. The city is annoyed by the post office’s reported intention to sell the building in an online auction. “Prague has been in negotiations with Česká pošta for weeks now about buying its building on Jindrisska, tweeted mayor Bohuslav Svoboda.” “It would be in the interest of Prague residents, the city and the state.” The city is now calling for discussions with the national government over the matter. For its part, Česká pošta says it’s in no hurry to sell and that the online auction is the best way to secure the highest possible price.
What’s going on behind the scenes is impossible to guess. Telling journalists about the potential auction is generally a good way to drive up the price, since it brings in new offers. On the other hand, the building will need serious reconstruction before it’s a profitable piece of commercial real estate. Such projects require permits from the city, and some investors could consider it risky to be the one who beat the city to the deal.
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