Škoda Auto opens Lauren & Klement Kampus in Mladá Boleslav

Published: 29. 05. 2024
Volkswagen Immobilien has completed construction of a 22,000 sqm headquarters for Škoda Auto in Mlada Boleslav. An investment of such size is hugely impactful for what’s really a rather small regional town. But it’s also massive shift for the company’s corporate culture. Rather than working in 20 locations around town, 2,000 of the company’s employees now work (together) under a single roof.

Škoda put a great deal of thought and research into deciding how work should be organized and how the offices should be arranged. Colliers provided workplace strategy consultations since the project’s very inception, but the final result went through numerous iterations. As recently as 2023, Škoda had been leaning towards a fairly standard (i.e. old-fashioned) layout of individual offices had been planned. But the final design incorporates an entirely modern approach, based entirely upon hot desk principles and highly flexible, collaborative spaces. That includes top managers, who will book space at desks the same as everyone else. And as we were told during the grand opening tour, only five printers are to be found in the entire building. There are also some cool new ideas, such as a dedicated technical support desk at the main reception where desperate employees can bring their laptops and mobile phones for answers.
“With our new headquarters, we are stating our clear commitment to both our location in Mladá Boleslav and our heritage,” said Karsten Schnake, Škoda Auto Board Member for Procurement. “This building is designed to foster interaction, discussion, and inspiration – a place where ideas are conceived, innovations nurtured, and teams strengthened.”
Begun in 2022, the interconnected complex consists of four buildings. A spacious outdoor atrium is located on the first floor, offering sitting areas and greenery. It also offers a modular conference area equipped high-tech audio-visual technology for up to 400 people (and was the venue for the grand opening of the building). Parking for over 680 cars was built, including 138 electric vehicle charging stations, and a dedicated bike storage facility. The building is called the Lauren & Klement Kampus, named after Škoda Auto’s founders. It’s expected to receive a gold certificate from the German Sustainable Building Council, thanks in part to 222 solar panels that deliver up to 100 kW.
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