108 Real Estate: Low operating costs making CZ competitive

Published: 29. 01. 2025

A new survey by SKLAD and Ipsos reveals that location, price, transport accessibility, and workforce availability outrank energy efficiency when companies choose warehouse space in Czechia. Similar preferences apply to manufacturing facilities, writes 108 Real Estate. It claims that operating costs of industrial properties significantly influence the Czech Republic’s competitiveness in international tenders. Until recently, higher costs drove logistics operators to choose Poland. But that dynamic began shifting late last year as Polish wage costs increased.

Property managers note that operating fees currently range from €0.5 to €1.5 /sqm/month, with security costs comprising around 20%. Energy costs are a chapter unto themselves. “Companies are more interested in the building’s energy performance certificate than whether the building has a local distribution system (LDS), through which the tenant can contract electricity supplies directly,” says Petr Jílek of 108 Real Estate.

“This is also because energy suppliers are tendered less than in the past, as the current situation in the electricity and gas market encourages contracts with spot prices. The distribution component of the price is fixed, and the commodity changes uniformly for all traders. The differences in offers are therefore minimal, and only larger consumers can achieve more significant savings.”

The key element is quality building insulation, especially in glazed areas, including skylights, where the greatest heat losses occur through thermal bridges. In logistics centers, where winter temperatures are maintained between 12 and 15°C, heat losses most often occur when staff don’t follow standard guidelines. Curtains might not be used at loading docks, for example, even though metal bridges for loading and unloading can freeze to -10°C. In such cases, even additional heavy insulation of the facade and roof won’t help with thermal comfort inside the halls.

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